
Thank you for considering a partnership with GVA to reach students for Christ!


Education is not cheap. Keeping the school open and running to educate students for here and eternity requires bills to be paid, equipment to be updated, and resources to be purchased.

If you would like to partner with GVA to bring students a quality, Christian education, you may make donations out to Greenbrier Valley Academy and mail it to:

Greenbrier Valley Academy       

1019 Court St N
Lewisburg, WV 24901-2549


To donate online through PayPal, click the Donate button: 


To donate online through Adventist Giving, click the Adventist Giving button, and choose local church budget - more offering categories:

Adventist Giving

Sponsor a Child

Perhaps you would like to sponsor a worthy student. There are families that would love to send their child to a Christian school, but aren't able to afford the full tuition. If you would like to help such students receive a Christian education, please use the above donation methods and mark "Worthy Student Fund."


Shopping on Amazon

If you shop on Amazon, please consider using the following link to support our school. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to Greenbrier Valley Academy. Please support us every time you shop and let others know as well!


Purchase items on our wishlist

Amazon Wishlist



Thank you and may God richly bless your generosity!

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